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18 07, 2012

How to Use Infographics successfully in your dimensional advertising and direct marketing collateral material

By | July 18th, 2012|Business Trade Show Gifts, Educational Marketing, General, Marketing Concepts, Trade Show Gifts|Comments Off on How to Use Infographics successfully in your dimensional advertising and direct marketing collateral material

Dimensional Infographics generate response and action:

Is it advantageous to use infographics for a successful marketing collateral material?
One should consider using info-graphics in their marketing collateral material as a part of the 3 dimensional advertising. As advertising firms constantly intend to upgrade the kind of advertisements they prepare in order to keep attracting new customers towards the brand. From using 3D advertising to using something as basic as using info-graphics, advertising firms constantly strive to retain the impression of their brand in people’s mind. Many people are using a Magic Cubes to display their info graphics.

How has using infographics helped people?

The history of infographics for showcasing ideas and thoughts goes back to the beginning of 20th century, where brilliant philosophers were able to communicate well. Infographics has since then been used not only to give information but also to create a sense of awakening amongst the people. People who were unaware of various information regarding important things, infographics were the ideal way to give information in one image alone. The cave paintings made by the cavemen in prehistoric times is the ideal example for infographics where everything we know today about the caveman has been immortalized in the cave paintings.
Hence, since history began, information through images has been the most effective way of communicating. People simply had to view an image with related information and they would perceive the information on it.

How does infographics help marketing companies?
Marketing companies look for strategies to create that lasting impression on people’s minds about brands. This is done by using various new age technologies for advertisements like using the internet, mobile phones and until recently 3D films. But the most effective medium of communicating brand information or any information till now has been the infographics. Several marketing companies are using MagiCubes infographics in their dimensional advertising to get their marketing off the screen and into the hands of their prospects. Their marketing collateral material consists of one page or image which represents everything that the brand stands for. From providing statistics showcasing the status of the product to other brands to simply providing information on the origin of the brand, these infographics material carry it all.

How do people react to infographics being used as a part of the marketing collateral material? Is it effective?
Yes, most people who have seen a brand or any piece of information given by the government using the infographics technique have remembered the messages of the material. It has been more effective that bombarding images constantly at receivers to create a subliminal impression on people’s minds. Marketing strategists simply need to issue a single paper or give their messages in a single frame that contains all that the brand intends to communicate to people, and they will remember it. The essential component of creating a lasting impression in infographics is to understand the visual components that highlight the key messages of the advertisement. Most marketing companies hire an expert in infographics but many are experts in their own right as they use this strategy while giving presentations and slide shows.
Ultimately, it all depends on your creativity to communicate all the necessary information in a single frame without misleading the viewers. If the audience understands the key aspects of your advertisement, then, your marketing collateral material will be successful. For a free demonstration of infographics on a MagiCube, please call 877-99-CUBES or request a sample kit at this form

22 10, 2009

This Business of Music Marketing and Promotion, Revised and Updated Edition (Hardcover)

By | October 22nd, 2009|Promotional Products|Comments Off on This Business of Music Marketing and Promotion, Revised and Updated Edition (Hardcover)

This Business of Music Marketing and Promotion, Revised and Updated Edition

Thorough, well-written, logically presented, useful, insightful … the definitive career guide and teaching aid for anyone interested in building an effective presence in the music industry. — Roy Gattinella, Vice-President, Marketing and Sales, EMI-Capitol Entertainment
–This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

The maxim in the music industry has always been “You can’t make it on talent alone,” and with This Business of Music Mar (more…)