Evaluating Your Promotional Products Supplier

By | November 21st, 2009|Promotional Products|Comments Off on Evaluating Your Promotional Products Supplier

You’ve probably been around the block a couple of times and have tried several of them. Some are good. Some are bad. So, how do you really tell which one is right for you? Here’s a checklist of what you should be looking for in a promotional products supplier to ensure you get the service you deserve:

Large selection – Don’t limit yourself to a couple of pens and some mugs. The world is promotional products is vast and unpredictable – you can have something as fancy as glassware or as simple as flipflops. When picking a vendor, make sure it’s one that can offer you the widest range of products available. Find out if they have reliable suppliers and brand name products that let you take advantage of the power of co-branding. With the extensive selection should come a comprehensive search engine, a navigable website or at the very least a knowledgeable salesperson that could make the proper recommendations.

Quality products – Work with a promotional products supplier that offers only premium merchandise. The quality of your giveaway says much about your company. As such, working with a company that gives you the best value for your money should be a big concern.

Lowest cost – A big company you could trust should be able to use its buying power to your advantage. Basically, a company that truly looks out for your needs will be able to offer you the promotional products at the lowest cost. It’s also worth checking out if the supplier has a lowest price guarantee.

Quality imprinting -There are a number of imprinting methods out there, but certain items require particular methods of imprinting. For instance, glass would go well with etching or laser engraving while cloth can be embroidered or screen printed. The sales staff should be able to tell you which imprinting method goes best with your item. More importantly, they should be able to connect you with a service provider that can apply that imprinting method to your chosen item. Apart from the fulfillment issue, a good promo products company would have an art department or a system that would ensure your logo is rendered in the best possible manner.

On-time delivery of goods – Normally, the company should be able to quote you a practical shipping date. This is a combination of your item’s production time plus the time it takes the product to get to you via a carrier. While the shipping time is highly depended on the carrier, your promo products company should at least be able to manage your expectations by giving you a pretty accurate range. If unforeseen circumstance cause delay to your shipment, a reliable company will notify you in the soonest possible time and clue you in on the reason behind the inconvenience. Honest and timely correspondence is just as important as the accuracy of shipping date quotes.

Personalized service – A promo products supplier is basically a company that offers personalized items. As such they should remain true to their roots and offer you personalized service as well. Work with someone who takes the time to get to know your industry, your goals and your budget.