General | MagiCubes 3D Media - Part 2


16 02, 2011

The Best use of QR codes with unique promotional products

By | February 16th, 2011|Business Trade Show Gifts, General, QR Codes, Trade Show Gifts|Comments Off on The Best use of QR codes with unique promotional products

When using promotional products and business advertising items consider adding a QR code to increase your ROI. QR codes can link to dynamic content right from your customers desktop to your digital content. Imagine having your brand physically in the hands of your customers, and being able to present your sales video, or a lead generation e-book, or even surveys and coupons.  Watch this video for a quick demo how a fun advertising folding puzzle called a Magic Cube can present all this, plus create a positive emotion, fun experience with your product, brand or service.

22 12, 2010

QR Codes link Desktop to Online

By | December 22nd, 2010|General, QR Codes|Comments Off on QR Codes link Desktop to Online

MagiCubes announces turn key QR code placement on all Magic Cube products. Add a QR code to your 100% custom magic cube to link your 3D Physical Desktop Promotional Product, to the online world. Link to Mobile sites, Videos, eCoupons, Surveys, Online Quiz, Blogs, Phone numbers and more with a simple click / scan from any Smart Phone.

Example of 7 News Promotional Product the desktop deliver video content

VW brings the showroom experience via hand held promotional item

Educational Promotional Tool Delivers Weekly How-To Videos

17 11, 2010

Mr. Lumpy Mail Gets Tactile at the Glazer-Kennedy Info Marketing Summit

By | November 17th, 2010|General|Comments Off on Mr. Lumpy Mail Gets Tactile at the Glazer-Kennedy Info Marketing Summit

Backstage at the Glazer-Kennedy Info Marketing Summit 2010 in Baltimore, I caught up with Jon Goldman, Mr. Lumpy Mail ( and CEO of Brand Launcher. He had his hands all over the Magic Cube. He explains the attraction, motivation and down right ROI, of what makes Magic Cubes the secret tactile marketing device for information marketers. Get more information, in one of the most engaging and tactile products to promote products and services. Watch the Video! See more at or call +1-877-99-CUBES.

9 10, 2010

Magic Cubes promotional products increase sales at Trade Shows

By | October 9th, 2010|Case Histories, Gallery, General, Marketing Concepts, Medical Pharma Marketing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Magic Cubes promotional products increase sales at Trade Shows

Fan Mail

17 09, 2010

Promotional Products that Engage in 3D

By | September 17th, 2010|Advertising Specialties, Business Trade Show Gifts, Case Histories, General, Marketing Concepts, Trade Show Gifts, Travel Promotional Products|Comments Off on Promotional Products that Engage in 3D

The Magic Cube Effect of 3D Marketing and Advertising

As advertising pressure rises, people’s attention and willingness to accept companies’ attempts at communication declines.

Recent advertising and marketing studies confirm that tactile marketing materials are an efficient way of getting the attention and sympathy of your target group. Promotional giveaways not only enjoy the highest acceptance of all media, they also excel in their recall-performance: 72% in unaided awareness, vs. 24% for print- and 49% for TV-advertising.  (Promotional Product Study 2009)

Integrated into your marketing and advertising concepts, an effective promotional product giveaway can markedly improve the effect and durability of a marketing campaign, an event or a trade show.

Magic Cubes® combine the communicative strengths of a giveaway with the design flexibility and information depth of print media. Amazement, the play instinct and the joy of discovery guarantee 100% attention and intensive engagement with your message.

For more than 18 years, PTI Corp’s (Owner of Magic Cubes® since 1993) customers have confirmed the practical effectiveness of the Magic Cubes® as 3D Objects for advertising.

Marketing consultants report of long lasting placement of Magic Cubes® on the desks of their clients. Direct-marketing experts are amazed about response-ratios and salespeople are delighted by the increased awareness of customers with Magic Cubes® as a tactile sales-aid.  3D Objects for advertising that enriches with positive emotion creates the magic that creative directors seek in creating memorable advertising. With the Magic Cubes® this is available as a 100% customized hand held promotional product gift.

If you would like to learn more about the communicative effect of Magic Cubes for Object Promotions and promotional products in general, please contact your promotional products professional and tell them you want the Fidget Factor®!

27 08, 2010

Promotional Products for Pharma Education Trade Show Gifts

By | August 27th, 2010|Case Histories, General, Medical Pharma Marketing|Comments Off on Promotional Products for Pharma Education Trade Show Gifts

Here is a collection of some of our favorite Magic Cubes created for Medical Trade Shows and Hospital Marketing.   This is truly an “Edutainment” promotional product that Engages, Educates and Entertains, ALL YEAR LONG. All because of the Fidget Factor! Get your images together and submit for a FREE Video Proof for your client today!

Mouseover bottom of video to view other Medical and Pharma Video Case Histories.
Call your Distributor to get a Custom Demo of a Magic Cube with your own artwork.
Engage with on Facebook

19 08, 2010

The Gesture Cube is fascinating

By | August 19th, 2010|Gallery, General, Marketing Concepts|Comments Off on The Gesture Cube is fascinating

Cubes just beg to be played with. If you cant pick it up, just give it a gesture!

25 05, 2010

Promotional Products for Trade Shows can Entertain!

By | May 25th, 2010|Case Histories, Gallery, General, Marketing Concepts|Comments Off on Promotional Products for Trade Shows can Entertain!

The Skeptic Society illustrates an entertaining look at another form of the Magic Cube.

Watch the video, and for the answer, click the link below.

Get the scoop

25 05, 2010

Porsche unfolds new Cayenne Magic Cube promotion.

By | May 25th, 2010|Automotive, Case Histories, General|Comments Off on Porsche unfolds new Cayenne Magic Cube promotion.

“I just want to let you know how happy my client is with the PORSCHE Cayenne Magic Cubes you made for us. Knowing full well how scrutinizing PORSCHE is about their image, they had nothing but accolades when they saw their cubes and now the dealers are clamoring for more…stay tuned for at least one reorder! –Ed L. – Promotional Products Distributor

Great example of how to engage with emotion using promotional advertising products that generate more Fidget Factor that a promotional item like a coffee cup with a logo or a mouse pad with a logo.

23 05, 2010

Promotional Product gifts found in Museums

By | May 23rd, 2010|3D Cubes, Artwork, Business Trade Show Gifts, Case Histories, General, Magic Cubes, Marketing Concepts|Comments Off on Promotional Product gifts found in Museums

Turn your corporate branding into a Museum Quality gift. The official home of Magic Cubes, ( ) offers Top Quality production for Magic Cubes®. As seen in museums gift stores from around the world. Imagine creating a sense of engagement with positive emotion for your company branding in the hands of your customers, just like Museum Quality 3D Magic Cubes. With the Magic Cube, you can create similar emotion to that of world renowned artists, with your company marketing in a folding 3d magic cube. See so many museum magic cube gift ideas below.

Those who are looking for a 3D Trade Show Giveaway can get a free Spec Sample with your own custom artwork. It takes only 1 business day to see your custom design unfold for truly unique promotional business gift. See how to create a custom magic cube spec sample –